Spring bulbs are a great way to bring some early colour with species iris and crocus, snowdrops and daffodil tete-tete all flowering in those early winter months. Tulips can add a stunning display into the spring months, species varieties make great additions to rockeries and borders multiplying through the years.
Current availability – plant list
In late summer and autumn we have a range of spring flowering bulbs including alliums, anenome, chinodoxa, crocus, daffodils, iris, galanthus, fritilaria, muscari, scilla, sparaxis, tulips and more. Available at all our events from late August to October and for local delivery.
L-R Anenome ‘Slyphide’, daffodil ‘Beavellon’, Iris ‘JS Dijt’, Iris ‘Harmony’, Allium moly, Crocus ‘Ruby Giant’, Tulipa turkestanica, Scilla siberica, Sparaxis, Anenome ‘Mr Fokker’, Tulip ‘Shirley’, Allium ‘Purple Rain’.