We produce a range of shrubs to suit many situations, small to large growth habits, sun or shade, deciduous or evergreen, flowering, scented and more. Shrubs can be pruned or clipped to maintain a desired shape or height.
Throughout the year we have a small number of shrubs available these include Bay tree, Berberis, Buddleia, Callicarpa, Cistus, Choysia, Cornus, Coronilla, Cytissus, Deutzia, Hydrangea, Escallonia, Eucalyptus, Itea, Fuchsia, Genista, Lavendula, Juniper, Myrtus, Osmanthus, Rosmarinus, Rosa, Spiraea, Sambucus, Sarcococca, Symphoricarpos, Viburnum, Vinca, Weigelia.